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Leyte, our Chamaeleo Calyptrus, just laid 30+ eggs on the 2nd of September.  They should be hatching sometime in June.  Those that do hatch will be for sale for $20 if you have an entire room, [a plant room that is cat free]  dedicated to your chameleon which gets lots of sun and an outdoor enclosure as well. 
It's more important to myself to encourage people to treat their chameleons with the proper care than to make money off of them. 
For those of you who don't have a room chock full of plants and an outdoor enclosure ... they'll be $40.
So start working on that modified gazeebo today! 
By the way, she's doing good,  she was at 114g before she dropped and 66g afterward.  Talk about no pain no gain!  Haven't weighed her since, but as you can see she's outside everyday with sun on one of my larger bonsais,  eating all the flies she can catch. 

Currently we have:
Neolamprologus leleupi
                       Breeders     2 inch+ $10
                       Younglings 1 inch+ $5
  If you want "show" leleupis, there are a few "secrets" you should know of.
  First is food.  I start mine on newly hatched brine.  Then mix it with Hikari pellets as they get older.  Later  krill, plankton, mysis shrimp and frozen brine are all accepted greedily. Everyone likes variety ... including your fish.
  The second factor is to have a light substrate.  Leleupis can change color, but it takes months rather than seconds as with Chameleo or Anolis.  Some of my leleupis will darken from clinging to the filter [which is black]  even though they're siblings of the ones that glow in the dark [figuratively of course].
  I also like to keep them somewhere where they get some sun.  They're actually somewhat translucent and look best when in the sun.  And of course, the wavelength of your lights also change how they appear.  
Tropheus spec. red, Cape Kachese
                        Younglings 1 inch $10
  Some of my Alto calvus are also available. [Perhaps a half dozen or so.]   They're parents are F0 Congo Blacks and I must admit they are nice.  Calvus are among the touchiest Afrikan Rift Lake fish I have ever bred.  It's a good idea to not shock them with too much of a kH change.  All my tanks have a kH between 25 and 35.